The past decade in investment performance across equities have rewarded investors greatly. While there have been a few bumps in the past (namely the pandemic)
In this age of DIY investing and financial planning, it may be possible to handle personal finances on your own, but at what cost? While the monetary cost may
When it comes to financial topics, some answers are more clear-cut than others. A discussion about maxing out a Roth IRA (which you should) may be an easier
Your relationship with money is a lifelong, ever-changing process. Reflecting on this relationship from time to time is encouraged as you may discover something
Do you think a porcupine has more or less than 1000 quills (i.e. the spikes on its back)?
Since reading that sentence, it’s likely you experienced a harmless
This post was written by Ken Weingarten and Frank Fernandez of Weingarten Associates
Let’s assume for a moment that your current investment portfolio was all